A Woman Shares Her Ingenious Method for Removing Chicken Breast White Tendons

Streamlining the Process: A Chicken Prep Hack

Even after years of cooking experience, handling raw chicken remains an unpleasant task for many. It’s slimy, cold, and unappetizing until it’s cooked. However, one clever cook has devised a method to make this job a bit more manageable.

Unveiling the Hack: Removing Chicken Tendons

Boneless, skinless chicken breasts often come with small white tendons attached, making them slippery and challenging to remove. These tendons can be off-putting, but there’s a simple solution.

The Solution: Mandy Klentz’s Hack

Mandy Klentz shared a TikTok video demonstrating her quick and easy hack for removing chicken tendons. With just a fork and a piece of paper towel for grip, she effortlessly removes the tendons with a swift motion.

Implementing the Hack

By placing the fork’s prongs between the tendon and using the paper towel for better grip, Mandy’s method makes tendon removal a breeze. This simple yet effective technique streamlines the chicken preparation process.

A Handy Cooking Trick

Mandy’s hack offers a practical solution to a common kitchen dilemma. This quick and simple method makes an otherwise unpleasant task much easier. Many thanks to Mandy for sharing this valuable cooking hack!


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